How to Create Luck like its Paper

There’s an untold secret to inventing and innovating things — it’s often a remix. The trick is figuring out what you can remix.

Let’s pick an example: a book you read recently. I’m sure you will want to thank Gutenberg for inventing the ability to print. Not so quickly, my friend.

Gutenberg showed up in 1440 but the first evidence of printing was as early as 200 BCE. That’s almost 1,600 years earlier. And of course, there’s been several remixing between that time.

Then Gutenberg got lucky…. oops. I meant revised it.

Here’s the key:

Looking for things you can remix and bring anew. With proper timing, you get lucky.

How scot how ideas happen 2020 10

What I’m Enjoying Lately Alchemy The Dark Art and Curious Sc

Yours in the search,


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